Canvas - Adding Faculty to Closed Canvas Courses

Canvas does not allow users to be added to courses that have closed. This can cause difficulties for faculty taking over courses from other instructors as it restricts their access to the materials needed. This article will show you how to add users to closed Canvas courses.

1) Navigate to the Canvas course you wish to add the faculty member to.

2) Click Settings in the Course Navigation.

3) Scroll down to Participation. Click Term and switch it to Course.


4) Click the Calendar icon in the End Date field.


5) Click the date. You can choose tomorrow's date or erase the date completely. (If you opt for the latter, remember to go back after you're done and readd the original end date.)


6) Scroll down and click Update Course Details.

7) Click the People tab in Course Navigation.

8) Click + People to add your faculty member.

9) Please remember to use their login id (4x4 in Norman, User ID at HSC.) Choose the Teacher or Staff role in the Role field. Click Next when you have entered everyone you need to add. Multiple login ids can be separated by commas or you can have one per line.

10) Click Add Users.

11) After your faculty member is added, you are free to go back to Settings and change the Course End Date following the instructions in steps 4-6.

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Article ID: 3221
Mon 5/6/24 12:48 PM
Wed 8/7/24 1:47 PM