How to Update Your Microsoft 365 Profile Picture

  1. Find a photo you want to use and store it on your computer, OneDrive, or other location you can get to. The photo needs to be smaller than 4 MB and can be a .png, jpg, or .gif file.
  2. Sign in to Microsoft 365 at
  3. Select the circle in the upper right hand corner of the page that shows your initials or an icon of a person. 365 toolbar
  4. In the pop menu that opens, hover your cursor over the circle and a "Add or change your picture" option should appear.
  5. Click this option and then you may select the option to Upload a new photo. Upload a photo pop menu
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Article ID: 3219
Mon 5/6/24 11:07 AM
Mon 5/6/24 11:25 AM