University Access to Epic - Epic Access Partner Data (Read-Only)

For a university employee to have read-only access in Epic to data covered by the University's Epic Access Agreement with OU Health (OU Health Physicians Tulsa, John Keys Speech and Hearing Clinic) the following prerequisite steps are required:

  1. The university must add the OUHSC user name to AD groups that control access to Epic UserWeb (training) and Epic Production access. (EGL Support Ticket)
  2. OU IT staff with access to OU Health's Service Now Instance (aka Epic Informaticists) must submit a ticket to OU Health IT asking for an Epic EMP record and VIEW ONLY permissions be assigned to the OUHSC user name.

NOTE: University accounts may only access Epic for work associated with OU Health Physicians Tulsa and the John Keys clinic.  All other access to Epic will require OU Health credentials.  For information on this process, please refer to the knowledge base article titled "University Access to Epic - OU Health Data (Read-Only)"

All users of Epic are required to take training.  Read-only users aren’t required to take in-person facilitated training, but are asked to complete the following weLearning sessions:

NOTE: To interact with the above content, you will be accessing Epic’s UserWeb.  The first time you visit UserWeb, it will ask you to find your organization. Search for “OU” and select "OU HSC" (see below). You will use your OUHSC user name and password to log in. Multifactor authentication is required, so be on the lookout for a Ping ID notification!

Epic UserWeb Organization selection screen
To access Epic, you will use OU's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. The instructions for access VDI through a web browser can be found here:

NOTE: One thing not mentioned in the above instructions is that people with Epic access will also have access to an “OU-Epic” desktop (see below). 

VDI selection screen
Once the VDI has loaded, you will click on the "Epic Prd" icon (see below).  After Epic Hyperspace has loaded, you will login to Epic with your OUHSC username and password.

Desktop example with icon shown

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Wed 5/3/23 3:18 PM
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