Set Up Microsoft 365 in Outlook Microsoft 365 for Mac

If you are setting up your device or if you have recently changed your password, you may configure your device using the settings below.

The steps below describe how to set up your email account using Outlook 365 for Mac. During the install process for the suite, it may have automatically configured your mail account as well.

Adding your Microsoft 365 Mail Account

  1. After launching Office, click the Next page arrow and then Get Started. If your account has not automatically been configured by the client, you will see a setup page. Click Add Account.
  2. Click the account type you want to add, in this case Exchange or Microsoft 365.
  3. Enter your account information. Please make sure you use your OU/OUHSC email address for both the Email address and User name fields. Enter your OU password for the password.
  4. Finally click Add Account.
  5. Your account should now be added.

If you have trouble setting up your account automatically, uncheck the Configure automatically box, and enter the information manually.

  1. Enter your OU/OUHSC email address into the E-mail address and user name fields.
  2. Enter your OU password for the password.
  3. For server, leave the field blank.
  4. Click Add Account.
  5. Your account should now be added. If it does not work, contact 325-HELP (4357).


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