What is a ListServ: ListServ is a mailing list program for communicating with other people who have subscribed to the same list. Using email, you can participate in listservs pertaining to your topics of interest. When you submit a message to the server, your message is relayed to all those on the listserv. You receive messages from other participants via email. It is similar to computer conferencing, but a listserv is asynchronous.
How do I subscribe to a ListServ:
Send a mail message with the following line as the only thing in the body (NOT THE SUBJECT LINE) of the message to listserv@ouhsc.edu.
SUBSCRIBE listname Your Name
Replace listname with the name of the list you wish to subscribe to.
To subscribe to the IT Alerts, you would enter the following:
Example: SUBSCRIBE italerts John Doe
How do I unsubscribe from a ListServ:
Send a mail message with the following line as the only thing in the body (Not the Subject: line) of the message to listserv@ouhsc.edu.
UNSUBSCRIBE listname [Replace listname with the name of the list you wish to unsubscribe from]