If your data is already in a spreadsheet format, you can create a List Type based on a spreadsheet. When you create a list from a spreadsheet, its headings become columns in the list, and the rest of the data is imported as list items which you can sort and filter.

Create a new list
- Click the Actions Items pull down menu and select More Options.
- Under Custom Lists, click Import Spreadsheet.
- In the Name Box, type a name, then give it a description to help users know the purpose of the list.
- In the Import From Spreadsheet section, click in the File Location field and select Browse.
- Find the spreadsheet you want to import and click Open.
- In the Spreadsheet window, you will need to select the Range of Cells, then Click Import.
- Once, the data appears in the new list, inspect the columns and data to make sure everything was imported.
To View or Change List Settings
- Select the list.
- In the Ribbon, click the List TAB.
- In the Settings Group, click List Settings.
- On the List Settings page, in the Column section, click the name of the column that you want to change.
NOTE: some columns you will not be able to change the settings.