Requesting a ListServ

To request a new list, visit the OU IT Service Catalog and click the Request Service button. Please be prepared to provide the information listed below.

Requests should come from a faculty or staff member and will require the following information:

  1. The OU ID of the requesting faculty or staff member
  2. The list name
    • Must be less than 30 characters
    • No special characters ( !, @, #, $, %, &, *, (, ), +, /, “, ‘, _, space)
    • “-L” will be appended to the list name
  3. A brief description of the list
    • Must be less than 50 characters
  4. The email addresses of all list owners
    • Must contain the email of requesting faculty or staff member
  5. Which, if any, owners should be silent owners.
  6. Should everybody, only the list subscribers or only the owners be able to send email to the list.
  7. Who should be able to add/remove subscribers to the list.
  8. Should the list be moderated.
  9. If the list is moderated, who should be the moderators. (Owners is fine.)
  10. Should the list be listed on OU’s Web list of lists.


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Article ID: 207
Sun 9/6/20 2:05 PM