Computer Labs

Couch Practice Center

Location: Couch Center Residence Hall, first floor
Availability: 24/7 via Sooner Card door access for students
Technology: (5) computers available

Nearest WEPA Kiosk:  Main Lobby of Honors College
Nearest Computer Lab: Couch Center - Northwest wing of the first floor
Nearest Restroom: Left out of the door and straight down the hallway. Near south entrance.
Nearest Refreshments: Cate Main Restaurants & Basement of Walker Tower


Honors College

Location: Honors College, first floor
Availability: 24/7 access for Honors College students only

Nearest WEPA Kiosk:  Main Lobby of Honors College
Nearest Computer Lab: Couch Center - Northwest wing of the first floor
Nearest Restroom: Left out of the door and straight down the hallway. Near south entrance.
Nearest Refreshments: Cate Main Restaurants & Basement of Walker Tower


Oklahoma Memorial Union

Location: Oklahoma Memorial Union, first floor, room 129B (next to Starbucks)
Availability: 24/7 via Sooner Card door access for students
Technology: (3) computers available

Nearest WEPA Kiosk:  Onsite
Nearest Computer Lab: Bizzell Memorial Library
Nearest Restroom: Exit to the right from the lab, towards the main Union entrance.
Nearest Refreshments: Crossroads and Food Court on the 1st floor of the Union


Sarkeys Energy Center

Location: Sarkeys Energy Center, 10th floor, room 1040
Availability: 24/7 via Sooner Card door access for College of Engineering students only
Technology: (1) 42" color plotter; (1) large format color scanner

Nearest WEPA Kiosk:  Onsite in Room 1040
Nearest Computer Lab: Carson second floor or Stadium second floor
Nearest Restroom: 10th floor hallway
Nearest Refreshments: Bedrock Café in basement

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Article ID: 3139
Fri 12/8/23 10:51 AM
Fri 12/15/23 11:09 AM