Adding a Shared Mailbox to iOS and Android Outlook

Please note that while Shared Mailboxes should work with the below method, Resource or Room mailboxes may by unsupported with this method on your device.

Adding Your Mailbox to iOS and Android in New Outlook App

  1. Ensure your OU account is set up and configured in the Outlook app.
  2. Open the Outlook app on your mobile device.
  3. Tap on your profile picture or initial in upper left.
  4. Tap the Settings gear in the lower left.
  5. Tap Add Mail Account.
  6. Tap Add Shared Mailbox.
  7. Enter the shared mailbox email address - Tap Add Shared Mailbox.


Adding Your Mailbox to iOS and Android in Older Outlook App

  1. Open the Outlook app and then open the navigation menu in the top left.Inbox menu screenshot
  2. On the left, find and click the icon of an envelope with a + sign. Inbox menu screenshot
  3. Select “Add a shared mailbox”. Add a shared mailbox button
  4. Select an account to log in with – it is most likely your account. 
    • Please Note: this screen will only appear if you have more than one account added to the Outlook app. Shared mailbox settings
  5. Enter the shared mailbox account name and then click “Continue” to finish. Shared mailbox settings


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Sat 9/5/20 10:41 AM
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